Sep 14, 2011

So Slammed!!!!!

My hands are hurting increasingly.  I am typing like a madwoman, and busting my butt to get stuff done but it seems almost futile.  I'm tired, I'm achy,  I keep getting phone calls that take forever and cause setbacks in work.  We're down to 3 people this week thanks to Snort's vacation and we're drowning!!!!

Lord help us.

On the flipside, we have two new people starting next week (yay!).
We have to take time to show them how to do their new job so it slows us down (boo).

The following week we get a new health plan and a previous one back (yay for job security!)

We'll still be training the new guys, learing all about a new plan, CuteShoes is going on maternity leave, and we'll be dealing with even more workload (boo!)

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